PRAGUE - Dejvice
- Ulice
Jugoslávských partyzánů 36
- Popis
Parking in blue and purple zones nearby.
- Phone
+420 775 288 500
Individual procedures:
EMS for the first time990,- Kč
We will introduce you to the EMS technology, set the right stimulation, and you will experience an introductory training programme with a personal trainer.
I know EMS990,- Kč
Have you already done EMS for the First Time?
Then enjoy the most effective EMS training with a personal trainer, exactly according to your goals.
Advantageous programs:
Start the change10 week course790 CZK / week7 900 CZK
You save 2,000 CZK
We will help acivate positive changes in your body. We will strengthen your muscle corset to make your body more resistant and stop your back pain.You will have more active muscles and they will burn fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You get a fixed weekly session with your own personal trainer.
In great shapehalf-year course690 CZK / week17 250 CZK
You save 7,500 CZK
You will work on yourself for 25 weeks and everyone will see your progress but you above all will feel it.You´ll be fit, your body won´t hurt,
you´ll manage more, go further and be faster.
You will be in great shape, and it only takes 20 minutes a week!
You get a fixed weekly session with your own personal trainer. -
Still in shapeone year course590 CZK / week29 500 CZK
You save 20,000 CZK
To completely change your body and life. This is our mutual goal. This programme will provide you with consistent results.You will have a properly and comprehensively activated muscular system that provides you with enough energy burning and a perfectly functioning body. You´ll be satisfied with your body and stay in shape. You get a fixed weekly session with your own personal trainer.